Friday, December 31, 2010

Bitches Get Stitches

This is a gift for someone, and I like the way the lettering turned out. It was pretty time consuming, and I haven't added a border or anything extra yet because I'm not sure of what I want to add. I like it so far. I hope you do too. :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

More toques!

I've been making these like crazy lately! They're up for sale at Etsy too! I made 2 with a bow on them, and one with a pompom.
Enjoy and click through for a Flickr view. And for those who celebrate, Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Toques galore!

It's getting cold out, so I've been making toques like crazy. One is for my secret Santa, one is for Efix, but I'm not telling which! I've been making these like crazy and going to make more. I learned how to add a brim. Enjoy and click for a Flickr view.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Books up on Amazon

I don't know if my readers are in the age group for my books, they're teen fiction, but I had fun writing them and making covers, and publishing them after about a year or two of procrastination. So, here's the links to the books at Amazon!
Discombobulated A story about a teenager who struggles with an eating disorder among other things, and finds her way in and out of psychiatric hospitals. (For those that know me, no, that is NOT an autobiography!)

Borrowed A story about a teenage boy who parties too hard and ends up seriously injured and runs out of options.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Santa X-stitch framed and some clay geekery

Here are some little clay figures I made today. Domo, the mushroom and flower from Super Mario. I also made a frame for the Santa cross stitch, because it looked kind of crappy on its own. Enjoy!

Tis the season!

To be subversive and bitchy! Here are two stitches I recently did.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

My first time playing with clay!

I made these little charms. They're all smaller than a quarter, except for the robot which is slightly bigger. Enjoy and click for a Flickr view!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Gray cape

I made this this morning. It's warm and cozy, for the fall months (even though its turning to winter). I like it a lot. Its mostly machine sewn, but there is some hand sewing. Enjoy and click for a Flickr view!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

You know its true!

I picked up my cross stitch canvas and some needles today and made this! Click for full view.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Learning to crochet!

After much frustration and only being able to cast on, I've finally gotten a little far with a single stitch. Tomorrow I will master the double stitch and increasing and decreasing. Check out the awesome book I got!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The cape-ron!

I made this cape, relatively easily, and realized it could be used as an apron too! I'm making a hat out of the left over fabric because I love the print. Excuse my striped shirt in the photos! Click for a Flickr view.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

My very first hat!

I'm currently posting a tutorial to Crafster, but the hat is quite easy, except my sewing machine hates me and likes me to rethread it a million times. I made this hat without a pattern, I used the brim from another hat as a guideline and put cardboard in it. Enjoy and click for a Flickr view!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pow! Scoodie Recon

I made this scoodie, coz its getting cold out and sometimes the shirt I want to wear isn't a hoodie, out of a t-shirt and cut up an old hoodie to use for the scarf part. I didn't break any needles *knock on wood* and its a bit dirty in the pics, but I'll throw it in the washer and dryer and it should be good as new! Click the pics for the Flickr view.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Che Scoodie with a few miscalculations, oops

I wanted to make a scoodie (scarf/hoodie mix) and got around to it today, but I didn't measure a seam so its kind of small. I made it out of a Che flag and cut out random parts and sewed them together. Enjoy, and click for a Flickr view!

I admit, it does look more like a Hallowe'en costume than anything!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Cherry hip hugger bag!

I saw a cute bag that was like this at The Faerie's Pajama's in Toronto ON. I thought I'd make a simpler version, to use at places like amusement parks, or if I just want a small bag to carry around. After much fussing with my sewing machine (it didn't like the velco!) I present to you, my cherry and star hip hugger bag, and no, its NOT a fanny pack, its much cuter! Click for the Flickr view.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My first time using a sewing machine!

I'll admit, its a bit sloppy in places and I wouldn't put 100lbs into this bag, but it is pretty cute looking. I got the fabric at FabricLand with my mom. I made it without any pattern and my mom showed me how to iron it and make a flat bottom. I have my own sewing machine now (it used to be my grandmas) and I'm learning how to use.. and troubleshoot it! Enjoy. I think the bags cute. :) I put all of my new fabric in it. Click for the flick view.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Rainbow raver hat!

I made this hat with inspiration from a hat I saw last year at a rave. I'm excited for winter so I can wear it! I've uploaded a lot of pics so you can sell the full thing. It only took a couple of hours and I did it on a green Knifty Knitters Loom. I love it!